Universal Community of Friends

There is Divinity in all things.


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The Theological Principle of


The Theological Principle of Universalism


Universalism, stated simply, is the awareness that the Universe is the greatest manifestation of Being that is within the grasp of human consciousness. Fundamental to this concept is the awareness that we are all part of something greater than us, something beyond our comprehension. As such, our responsibility as spiritual entities is to develop the awareness and understanding of our relationship with this greatest manifestation of Being.

The idea of a separate human-like creator diety plays no distinct role in this philosophy. However, as each of us has a direct link to the Universe physically, emotionally, and consciously, we are each free to hold, within ourselves, our own perspectives as to how this relationship is understood.

Religious practices tend to be based on belief. Spiritual practices tend to be based on awareness. Universalism is a spiritual perspective in that we humans develop increased awareness of our relationship to the greater Whole, over time.

George Fox, founder of the Religious Society of Friends in the 1600s, took the radical and blasphemous position that divinity exists in all people, not just the Pope, or the Priests, or other members of the dominating religious hierarchies of the era. For this, he was tortured and imprisoned. He would not have been able to advance that philosophy to the obvious next level by stating that there is divinity in all things. Our role, as humans, as spiritual seekers, is to understand the nature of divinity, and the divinity of nature, and try to express that understanding through our daily lives.

Our "church" is the Earth. Our good deeds involve our interactions with each other and with the rest of existence, especially that part of it within our conscious awareness: our planet. Although this philosophy may seem alien to persons who are strictly religious in a dogmatic sense, it is actually the fundamental basis of all religions. The difference is that there is no dogma, there is no patriarchy, there is no human worship, there is no coersion to cling to belief while denying facts, and there is no reason to separate people based on religion or creed. We are all part of the same thing.

About the Universal Community of Friends